#abstract art

Four Elements

Actors: Viridian, Quinacridone red, Hansa yellow, Ivory black, and Titanium white

When I was thinking about characters for painting, I thought of four elements, and looked into Wikipedia and I found it was the ancient Greek and Roman belief that everything is made of four elements, such as earth, water, air and fire.

I used the colors above mixing to act as earth, water, air, and fire with no playscript.  I picked up the colors that I have avoided to use, which were viridian, and black.  I focused on mixing viridian with others, but next time I would like to pay more attention to gray and black.

The painting below is Four Elements 24”x29” acrylic on canvas, 2023,©Kikuko Sakota Art

Hello Kitty

When I was an elementary school student, Hello Kitty was quite popular. My stationaries and purse are usually Hello Kitty. When I saw Hello Kitty in the museum of abroad, I was a bit surprised. Cute and amicable is the quality commonly accepted in Japanese society. But now Hello Kitty is accepted everywhere.

The work below is titled Hello Kitty, 21”x24”, Acrylic on paper, 2023, Kikuko Sakota Art