My Favorite Artist 1

In 1994, I visited Sydney Australia for the first time. I can remember the year because it was before the Great Hanshin Earthquake.   I have a koala teddy bear which was a gift when I was born.  So I had been wanting to see koalas.

I went to several sight seeing spots and when I was walking around the Rocks, I saw a gallery.

 I went inside.  What I saw was several paintings with bold composition and very attractive and cogent color deployment.  I was strucked by them, because I had never seen such great art before.  Then I decided to concentrate on painting as one of my life work.

It was Ken Done Gallery.  Later I learned that Ken Done had several shows in Japan, and painted the covers of one of popular Japanese magazines, Hanako.  Now my mom and younger brothers wear his sweaters and T-shirts.